~Quirks~* List 6 quirks that you have that your friends and family may not know about*
1. Unlike Christy I loveeeeeee my feet rubbed by my hubby. When I'm really stress out that's the best way to relax!
2. I hate apple cider!!!! When I was a teenager, Halmark was giving it out free and the lady gave so much to me and my friends that by the time I was done I wanted to puke. It's always stayed with me but now I like the smell just don't want to drink it!
3. I love to have a clean house and it's not usually dirty, but I have a problem with clutter spots. So I'm always going through important things and I'll put them where I won't forget.....ha ha..... then when I need them I search for hours trying to remember where they are!
4. I know this one is grossssss but I can't stand white pimples!!!!! If one of my kids have one it drives me insane until they go pop it. Infact when my kids were babys they would drive me crazy tell I would pop it! I know pretty wierd but please if you ever see one on me LET ME KNOW !
5. I found out I'm a control freak mother. I have a very hard time the older they get letting them make there own decisions. If only they'd listen to me things would be so much better! HaHa
6. I have a hard time in large groups. It's like I'm lost in the crowd, and all the noise makes it so hard to stay focused! I could probably go a whole night without saying a word....infact if David's with me I hate for him to leave me!
Ok that was torture.....thanks a lot Lindsay! I tagged anyone who reads this especially you Sandi, Kristi, Kimmi, and Angela!